Love, An Animated Short Film
Love, An Animated Short Film created by Jason B Graham. The video short is dedicated to My Love. Thank you for bringing sunshine and color to my life. You are My Muse, My World, My Everything.
Made in Istanbul, Turkey
Alphonse de Lamartine wrote, “If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Istanbul.” Istanbul, once known as Constantinople, is the only city in the world to straddle two continents: Europe and Asia. Over the last 2000 years, it has also been the capital of three empires: Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman. Divided by the Bosphorus Strait, today Istanbul is home to over 15 million residents. Istanbul is a study of contrast: ancient and modern; conservative and progressive; chaotic and relaxed. With a rich history and warm culture, it is one of the most inspiring cities in the world.
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Creative Services
We offer a full range of innovative and result-driven creative services. Services include avatar creation, color palette creation, concept direction, graphic design, film and video production, icon design, logo design, packaging, photography, promotional materials, social media content, story boards, website design, vector art and much more.